Flight to Tuy Hoa from
Bangkok258508DailyVietnam Airlines
Ha Noi151N/ADailyVietnam Airlines
Ho Chi Minh83DailyVietnam Airlines
Kuala Lumpur108208DailyVietnam Airlines
Luang Prabang108208DailyVietnam Airlines
Phnom Penh108208DailyVietnam Airlines
Shanghai258508DailyVietnam Airlines
Siem Reap108208DailyVietnam Airlines
Singapore108208DailyVietnam Airlines
Vienne258508DailyVietnam Airlines
Vientiane108208DailyVietnam Airlines
Yangon108208DailyVietnam Airlines

Vietnam Airline has 2 routes connecting to Tuy Hoa from other cities (Ha Noi, Ho Chi Minh City).

The route connecting from Ho Chi Minh City to Tuy Hoa has the most flight everyweek (7 flights).

The route connecting from Ha Noi to Tuy Hoa has the least flight everyweek (5 flights).

The shortest flight is from Ho Chi Minh City to Tuy Hoa , it takes 383km (equals to 238 miles or 207 nautical miles) for this route.

The longest flight is from Ha Noi to Tuy Hoa , it takes 978km (equals to 608 miles or 528 nautical miles) for this route.

The earliest flight is from Ha Noi to Tuy Hoa , depart time is at 07:00 and arrival time at 09:40.

The latest flight is from Ho Chi Minh City to Tuy Hoa , depart time is at 14:25 and arrival time at 15:40.